Toolboxes boost a certain parameter of your spare part depending on the stars the toolbox have, the more the stars,the more points added. You can obtain a Toolbox by opening Supply Boxes. The more Toolboxes you fuse into the part, the more the fuse costs.
Attack | Health | Power | Magic |
Attack Toolbox - Increases the part's Attack damage. Can be applied to any Weapon.
Health Toolbox - Increases the part's Health. Can be applied to a Chassis, Wheel, or Gadget.
Power Toolbox - Increases the part's Power. Can be applied to a Chassis.
Magic Toolbox - Increases a part's Magic Bonus, and gives it one if it doesn't already. Can be applied to any part.
Applying toolboxes to parts increase in cost the more toolboxes are applied.
The star level for toolboxes also increases the cost, but also increase the boost of health and attack.
Power toolboxes will always give 1 energy (or 2 when the skill is upgraded) no matter the star level, but will continue to cost more the higher the star level. This may cause players to camp for low leveled power toolboxes.
Magic toolboxes will always give 10% Magic Bonus no matter the star level, but will continue to cost more the higher the star level. They are obtainable through rewards from the Ultimate Parts All-Stars events that occur (possibly) every six months.