CrashArenaTurboStars Wiki
CrashArenaTurboStars Wiki

Rare parts are championship parts that are overpowered, but have incredibly low drop rates. Post them below if you find any.

X Specials Wood Metal Military Gold Carbon Obtainability
Classic (Special) A Classic with more than a weapon and gadget slot Giant Box/Super Giant Box/

Shop related boxes/Special Offers

Molotov Cocktail Shoots a Molotov Cocktail that deals fire damage
Molotov Cocktail (Wooden).
Molotov Cocktail (Metal)
Molotov Cocktail (Military)
Molotov Cocktail (Golden)
Molotov Cocktail (Carbon)
Events/Special Offers
Rotating Rocket A Rocket that can be rotated by 45 Degrees Events/Special Offers
Rotating Drill A Drill that can be rotated by 45 Degrees Events/Special Offers
Rotating Chainsaw A Chainsaw that can be rotated by 45 Degrees Events/Special Offers
Boomerang Shoots a Boomerang that can deal damage twice
Boomerang (Wooden)
Boomerang (Metal)
Boomerang (Military)
IMG E0344


Events/Special Offers
Deep Freeze Similar to a Repulse but freezes the enemy machine for a while Events/Special Offers
Climbing Wheel Similar to the 5 Alarm and Tiger shark Bigfoots. dealing damage to enemy machines while being easy to climb onto enemy machines Special Offers
Universal Parts Has a random bonus with the following: When Equipped, To Weapons, To Gadgets, To Wheels, To Bodies Events/Special Offers/ Fusing a part with a Magic Toolbox
Shield Creates a shield, making the machine invulnerable for a while. Events/Special Offers
Death Lamp Creates a beam of light that locks towards enemy machines, similar to the Eye of
Events/Special Offers
Antigravity Scooter Similar to their Ultimate league counterpart, lifts the machine in the air, while stabilizing it. Great combo with a death lamp or two Events/Special Offers
Hover tire More powerful version of the Antigravity Scooter
Tranquillizer Gun Simmilar to the Electrified Barb wire, stuns the enemy machine for a while
Tranquilizer dart (wood)
Tranquilizer dart (metal)
Tranquilizer dart (military)
Tranquilizer dart (gold)
Tranquilizer dart (carbon)
Special Offers. (Hasn't been
Roadster A special type of body is shapes like the stringy bandit
Roadster (High-Wooden)