CrashArenaTurboStars Wiki
CrashArenaTurboStars Wiki

Recommendations and ideas for specific Championship Machines builds.

If you've come up with any builds that you've been particularly successful with, then you are encouraged to add them here.



Classic body with wheels slots that aren't too far forward (preferably with mid or low riding wheel slots, but any wheel height can be made to work). Different sized wheels. A weapon slot in the front of the body, and at least one gadget slot (preferably two gadget slots, and preferably with one in the very front and/or one at the top). A melee weapon such as a drill or chainsaw (drill seems to be the most reliable, but you may need to opt for a Stinger or a ranged weapon if your weapon slot isn't all the way forward). A repulsor and a booster.


Choose your wheels carefully, placing the larger wheel in the back and a smaller wheel in the front so that your car's nose is as close to the ground as possible, but not dragging too much. Use a sticky wheel in the back if you can. Make sure the ramp at the front of the machine is fully exposed and not blocked by your choice of wheels. If your wheel slots are set too far forward, then you'd be better off just not having a front wheel. Do NOT use a shotgun. This build relies on constantly moving forward and doing so forcefully for its effectiveness, so the recoil of a shotgun will hinder it too much. Forklifts are also not recommended, as they work too slowly, and also have a high chance of lifting your opponent completely up and over your machine, allowing them to get behind you.

Ideal setup:[]

You will need a Classic body that has a gadget slot right on the tip of the nose, and a second gadget slot at the top or the exact middle, not too low or too far back. Your weapon slot should also be preferably at the front, and not positioned too low on the body. Place a repulsor at the tip of the nose, and place a booster in your other gadget slot. Use a melee weapon such as a drill if your weapon slot is positioned forward enough (drill seems to be the most reliable. The chainsaw often has trouble maintaining contact due to its extra short range). Otherwise you can make do with a ranged weapon of your choice. The positioning of your gadgets is the most important part.


If you can't get a body with the ideal setup mentioned before, then try to at least get a classic body with a gadget slot either at the tip of the nose or at the top, and preferably with low-riding wheel slots. Place your repulsor in the gadget slot. You can compensate for the lack of a booster by having a large and fast wheel such as sticky tire or bigfoot in the back.

How it works:[]

This build is designed to wedge itself underneath the opponent and either flip them over or pin them against the wall. The booster will help to immediately close the distance and get your weapon making contact with the opponent, and if the booster is positioned high on the body, it'll also push down your car's nose for more effective wedging. The shape of the classic body, and the low height will make your opponent likely to get stuck on top of you, where the majority of weapons will be unable to hit you. This is especially effective against opponents using Backpedal, as it will often pull their nose up and allow your car to more easily wedge itself underneath. If you were able to add a repulsor, then having it towards the front will serve to help pop up the opponent so that you can more easily wedge yourself underneath, while a repulsor on the top of your car will detonate once you are already underneath, and will serve to seal the deal by either flipping over your opponent, or launching them into the wall where they can be pinned. If you were able to get the ideal setup mentioned before, then this build will plow through most opponents and immediately pin them against the wall, and it will sometimes even launch them out of bounds for an instant kill.


Given ideal specifications, this is one of the most consistently well performing builds that can be made without requiring prestige or store purchases. However it requires very specific positionings for its parts in order to get the most out of it, so even simply obtaining a good body with correctly placed slots to use for this build will be a pretty hefty challenge that requires lots of grinding and luck. This build will have difficulty working as intended against other builds using a low-riding Classic body, and it will not be able to defend itself if the opponent is able to get behind it. Forklifts and Lifters also pose a threat to it. If it's built to ideal specifications, it will often but not always be able to wedge itself underneath the opponent and grapple it before a forklift or lifter can stop it. This can still sometimes happen with less than ideal specifications, but it's much more of a gamble in that case. Also, if the opponent's forklift or lifter is paired with a repulsor placed in the front of their car, it will become a much more serious threat. It also relies heavily on the momentum of a fast approach for its effectiveness, so a pushing weapon such as the Shotgun will hinder it greatly and rob it of its advantage. An opponent using a booster on a boulder body will also usually be launched up and over this build, allowing them to get behind it where this build will be vulnerable.



Boulder body with two gadget slots and a weapon slot. A multi-directional weapon such as Blade. A booster, a harpoon, and a pair of knob wheels.

(Note: At the time of writing this, the author had also unlocked booster strength upgrades. This build has not been tested without these upgrades, so it's unknown whether or not such upgrades are a hard requirement for this build to work correctly.)


Place your booster high on the body, and the harpoon below it, and attach your blade. Use only knob wheels, as any other wheels will give this build a tendency to pop a wheelie at the start, causing the harpoon to miss its shot.

How it works:[]

After harpooning the opponent, the booster will fire and launch this build up and over the opponent. The opponent's front will be pulled upwards and backwards by the harpoon in a way that resembles strangling. At this point, this build will be held closely against the opponent where it may freely attack with its blade while also being out of the way of most weapons.


This build will not be able to launch itself over an oppoent with a Titan body. Instead it will usually slam against their front, knock them over and sit on top of them, where it will be directly in the opponent's line of fire. Like all boulder builds, rolling onto its back and getting stuck in place can be a problem, especially since it will usually be near the wall when this happens. Having a Scientist copilot can help with rescuing it from this situation.



Sneak body with two gadget slots and at least one weapon slot. Two backpedals and a laser. The laser is the most important part of this build, and it should be the highest rank and level possible, and preferably also be benefitting from a Legendary boost, anything to get its attack power as high as possible. The stats of the other parts don't matter as much, but higher HP can be useful as a bit of insurance if it doesn't work quite as planned. You might possibly also need one knob wheel.


A nice simple build, simply place the two backpedals and the strongest laser you have on a Sneak body. Add a second laser if you have an extra slot and enough power remaining for one. In most cases you should NOT add any wheels, as they will weigh the car down and keep this build from working as intended. However, depending on your specific parts used and whether or not you've unlocked booster strength upgrades, you may find that your backpedals are too powerful, in which case you may add a single knob, most likely to the front wheel slot, but the specific positioning of your wheel slots may affect the trajectory and spin of this build, so try both and see which one works better for you.

How it works:[]

This build will immediately launch itself into a backflip, bouncing off the wall, avoiding incoming attacks, and flying over the opponent. Once behind the opponent, it will fire its laser while still spinning in mid air. The spin will allow the laser blast to cover a wide arc and land an easy hit. With a powerful enough laser, this will lead to an easy one-shot kill. And it also looks awesome!


This is very much a "glass cannon" build that will be extremely vulnerable if it doesn't work exactly as planned. If the first shot fails to kill, this build will usually be helpless, especially if the opponent has a weapon capable of attacking the rear like Double Rockets or Blade. Also an opponent using Harpoon will be able to prevent this build from jumping as intended, and likewise will usually defeat it. If this build lands on its back, the laser blast will still be able to hit when the opponent is close, but it will not be able to hit at a range. Landing upright isn't necessarily a good thing either, as you will usually have your opponent behind you at that point, and thus will be unable to land another hit. It will also be vulnerable to being pushed into the death walls. Depending on your specific build, it may also be possible for your opponent to avoid the initial laser blast by using a booster or a backpedal.



Boulder body with two weapon slots and a gadget slot(preferably lined up in the middle with the gadget slot in between the weapon slots). 2 Blades, a booster, a Tire and a Bigfoot.


Place the better of the Blades in the back weapons slot and the worse in the front, place the booster in the gadget slot, the Bigfoot in the front slot and the Tire in the back slot.

How it works:[]

When the Booster activates, the body of the car will roll, making the boulder try to climb over everything and getting a free hit and hitting the back wall, making it attack from behind, for Titans however, this setup will launch high on top of them but will not go over, however it will still have the initial hit and may knock the Titan over, against the 720 no scope, it moves far forward enough to do the only weakness, as the hitbox of the laser for some reason will skip over vehicles on the other wall.


Any high level build using things like the harpoon, shotgun can make this build ineffective, the harpoon pulls it close and it makes the boulder vulnerable to opposing attacks, but the shotgun will stop the booster and launch the Boulder away on its second shot. Another weakness is anything with Blades at the back, as this means you will still have to contend with a weapon. High health enemies will also be able to push you into the death areas at the end.

Anti Air[]


You will need any body that is longer it is tall with 2 gadget slots, presumably at the front, one weapon slot, and a tight wheel placement near the center. You will also need knobs, rollers, and Climbing wheels (P1 S5), shield (P1 S15), repulse, and a ranged weapon.


Put your Climbing wheel at the front wheel slot, and the small wheel you've chosen at the back, then mount your repulse in the front most slot on your chosen body, and the shield on the remaining slot, mount your ranged weapon, and you'll be off.

How it works:[]

When you enter a battle against a flying machine, your vehicle will tip backwards. This may seem bad, but this is what you want. The repulse will be placed higher, and will be able to launch your opponent over the wall. The shield will act as a way to soak up damage as you crawl to your flying opponent, and you'll be able to use your ranged weapon to knock them out if they don't fly over but get stuck on your nose. For ground targets, all you really have to do is replace the climbing wheel with a knob, and it'll allow you to engage targets that aren't flying.


The main problem is the front wheel, as while yeah, you can take down flying opponents with the large wheel, means that you can't actually fight ground enemies, and for the most part, you'll be engaging targets on the ground. The opposite is true if you swapped the large wheel for a smaller one, you can engage ground targets, but very rarely will you be able to hit flying targets (Unless you have shotguns (P2) or Boomerangs (P1 S20)).
